Akquinet presents: Aslak Knutsen and Pete Muir on “The future of Java enterprise testing” and “The unified programming model of Java EE 6″



Reading Time: 2 Minuten

In cooperation with the Java User Group Berlin Brandenburg, akquinet proudly presents the two JBoss Core Developers Aslak Knutsen and Pete Muir (project lead for Seam and Weld):

1) Throwing complexity over the wall:
The future of Java enterprise testing

This talk unveils the missing link in enterprise Java development: simple, portable integration tests. For many, enterprise Java development has long been an arduous undertaking because of this void. While development life is simple with unit tests and mocks, they only take you so far. Eventually, you need to validate how your components interact and operate in their intended environment–you real need integration tests. Yet, writing integration tests has meant assuming the burden of bootstrapping all or part of your infrastructure. That’s time lost and it places a mental barrier on testing.

Arquillian, a container-oriented testing framework layered atop TestNG and JUnit, tears down this barrier. It does so by bringing your test to the runtime rather than requiring you to manage the runtime from your test. Picking up where unit tests leave off, Arquillian enables you to test real components that rely on real enterprise services in a real runtime.

What’s the secret ingredient? This talk will show how Arquillian simplifies integration testing by providing a component model for tests, just as Java EE 5 simplified server-side programming by providing declarative services for application components. The test component model consists of container lifecycle management, test enrichment (dependency injection), container deployment and in-container test execution. Using a component model means your tests are portable and able to move between different environments, from single embedded or remote to multi-server to multi-cloud nodes.

Attend this talk to learn about the future of Java enterprise testing.

Presenter: Aslak Knutsen, Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat, Inc.

Aslak Knutsen is currently employed by Red Hat, on the JBoss Seam team where he is the project lead for Arquillian and works on projects such as ShrinkWrap, Weld and Seam 3. Previously, Aslak was a Senior Consultant at Conduct AS (working with JBoss related technologies) and Senior Developer at EDB ASA (working with electronic billing/banking systems).

2) The unified programming model of Java EE 6

With the introduction of Contextual Dependency Injection and Managed Beans into the Java EE 6 platform, a Java EE developer now has a full complement of facilities to write a Java EE application. But when should CDI be used, and when should introduce EJBs? How can you integrate CDI and EJB into your application? In this session we will walk through a Java EE 6 application build around CDI, and show how we can unobtrusively add EJB services as we need them.

Presenter: Pete Muir, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat, Inc.

Pete is the project lead for Seam and Weld (the reference implementation of JSR-299: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE), and is the co-founder of Arquillian, a test harness for Java application servers. Pete represented JBoss on the JSF 2.0 Expert Group. Pete is currently employed by Red Hat, as a Principal Software Engineer working on JBoss open source projects. Before working for Red Hat, Pete used and contributed to Seam whilst working for a UK based staffing agency as IT Development Manager.

date: October 6th 2010
time: 7pm-9pm (warm up 6:30pm)
venue: FU Berlin, Institut für Informatik, Hörsaal (EG), Takustrasse 9, 14195 Berlin

Join us for snacks and discussions after the talks!


One response to “Akquinet presents: Aslak Knutsen and Pete Muir on “The future of Java enterprise testing” and “The unified programming model of Java EE 6″”

  1. Thanks for hosting us, it was a great talk with a really interested audience — good stuff!

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